Friday, July 29, 2011

Put it Back!

So, late last night after semi-depressing news I aske husband, "what do we do? Pray? Beg? Give up and start planning for a second cycle?"

I already knew the answer: All of above.

I remember stating we need a miracle as I sipped a glass of malbec. With only two B grades and one being a 2-cell, things weren't looking too great. But husband kept the flame going.

Today we rolled in at 9:30 and were the first couple for transfers. We got the briefing: check the PIO injection sites, IV site (all three), and the Valium.

I started drinking water as I had about 40 minutes till go time. But within 30 I was hurting, so I went and let a little pee out (this is actually harder than it sounds with all the swelling and abdominal bloating).

Finally we were called back and the US tech checked my bladder with the external wand. Then the Doc came in and gave us the run down.
2 4cf
Woaha! Three Bs?two are 8 celled?
Ok. Husband and I needed a second. We were expecting maybe an 6Cf and were thinking of adding that to the mix since they won't freeze t. But now with two 8s and a 7... Hum, triplets? Many complications--and what is the stars aligned and one of the 8s split?

Ok, after a little discussion, we'll stick with two and freeze the 7cell.

Practice transfer went fine, embryos came in, saw them on the big screen then watched the catheter deposit some babies in my uterus.

Yesterday I was doing my physical therapy and the PT suggested I use a stack of books. Well, in a hotel, the only books you can find are a bible and a book of Mormon. I decided not to stand on them to stretch my achilles.

Last time we had two beans with heartbeats, so we are hoping for the same great success. Accepting well wishes, prayers, good thoughts, and anything else you got for the next two weeks. Pregnancy test the day after my birthday! One hurdle at a time.


  1. I am thinking of you guys! I hope it works!

  2. Yes, if it works you are first on the list to get my wine stash :) Thanks for the love!

  3. Sending you, James, and Baby K good vibes all the way from hong kong!!!
