Saturday, June 25, 2011

Warning: Shrinking Boobies!

Hard to think of a title tonight. I started with "Deflated Boobies", but didn't want to give the impression of them sagging down at my hips--even if they are. Who ever passes that stupid 'pencil test' anyway? After all the Estrace, a whole month's worth, I went up a cup size or so. Boo. I just got lighter, smaller boobies after nursing and running ragged and within 30 days: hard & firm. No thanks for a D cup although my loving husband is now suicidal.

But no fear, they're shrinking again. Makes running a whole lot easier. Don't get me wrong I've got the Japanese superbra--yeah, can't even find a heavy duty American made one. But when all this baby breeding is complete, you bet I'm going in and getting shiny new ones--you know the ones that don't even move! But first, one embryo at a time.

And yes, the walnuts in my ass are shrinking, too. Geeze. Only been two weeks! Two CCs of PIO is a lot. Looking forward to one with this cycle (in IVF your body can make some as opposed to FET when everything is turned 'off').

Our new schedule came out from the clinic and we've booked our vacation--er, baby making. We are about six days off from when Baby K was created. Interesting. My accupuncturist said I was too programed for summer--all the darn fruit I eat!

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally with you on the new shiny ones...... :-) Glad you get to start soon!!!
