"Sorry, can't help you..."
I was Googling for a google amount of time a few weeks back, and I stumbled on this Australian lady sending baby dust around the world in an envelope for $1.50 AUS. Cute. I guess if you're into that kind of thing. I don't think she was making money off the idea---hint: her website hasn't been updated since 2008--or maybe she tripped and fell going to the mailbox and envelopes of baby dust flew out and sprinked on herself and she has now moved to the US and has a hit reality show on TLC. But cute idea nonetheless as I'm sure she entertained a bunch of us desperately-seeking-baby-ites.
For me? Heck, I've got enough dust and sticky for a small country--my cleaning lady hasn't come in forever. Or ever.
But, you do what works. I'm not a religious gal--in fact I admit I find myself searching for that spiritual spark at times, but a dear friend sent me a St. Jude card on our second--and successful--round of IVF, and I pulled it out when we started this up again and will not only beg--er, pray to St. Jude again, but will rub him all over my belly (in a tasteful, unsacreligious way of course!) and spend time googling "who is St. Jude?" shortly after this posts.
So, do what works for you.
Back to the story I started with. The doctor says...
"...you're pregnant." Wasn't me by a long shot, but I share in the joy of my BFF's super-human kid (he's in the spiderman phase now--the kid, not my BFF) naturally conceived with one ovary buried in tons of endo. So, yes, anything can happen. Dreams really do come true. One embryo at a time.
to kh: you've been a better friend then i could ever be. xx
I was Googling for a google amount of time a few weeks back, and I stumbled on this Australian lady sending baby dust around the world in an envelope for $1.50 AUS. Cute. I guess if you're into that kind of thing. I don't think she was making money off the idea---hint: her website hasn't been updated since 2008--or maybe she tripped and fell going to the mailbox and envelopes of baby dust flew out and sprinked on herself and she has now moved to the US and has a hit reality show on TLC. But cute idea nonetheless as I'm sure she entertained a bunch of us desperately-seeking-baby-ites.
For me? Heck, I've got enough dust and sticky for a small country--my cleaning lady hasn't come in forever. Or ever.
But, you do what works. I'm not a religious gal--in fact I admit I find myself searching for that spiritual spark at times, but a dear friend sent me a St. Jude card on our second--and successful--round of IVF, and I pulled it out when we started this up again and will not only beg--er, pray to St. Jude again, but will rub him all over my belly (in a tasteful, unsacreligious way of course!) and spend time googling "who is St. Jude?" shortly after this posts.
So, do what works for you.
Back to the story I started with. The doctor says...
"...you're pregnant." Wasn't me by a long shot, but I share in the joy of my BFF's super-human kid (he's in the spiderman phase now--the kid, not my BFF) naturally conceived with one ovary buried in tons of endo. So, yes, anything can happen. Dreams really do come true. One embryo at a time.
to kh: you've been a better friend then i could ever be. xx